Visit and make an
analysis by answering the following questions:

•How do you find this site? (in 3 words)

boring and hideous

•Who do you think the site is created for?

The customers of  THIS FASHION and members.


•What are the good attributes of the site (in terms
of usability, aesthetic issues, etc)?

The usabilty is easy.There are not alot of information clumped together so the user of the webpage can easily understand.The navigations are placed at the top of the webpage,helping users to easily spot them.Most of the information are left-aligned,making it easy to read and see.


•What are the bad attributes of the site?

The design at the main page is too simple and bland,making use of just a simple table border.The fonts used on the navigation link and title are not visually appealling which will make the users just walk away from the page.The colour of the fonts and background colour do not have much contrast,which will make the webpage look boring and tiring.Under the “This card” and “Services” category,there is more anchor links to the information.However customers might not have noticed them as they are placed too far at the side.our eyes might not have tracked to that area.The “contact us” navigation is not found on the main page.If customers want to ask for enquiries,they will have to go through the navigations to finally find “contact us” at the “outlets” category.This will not fulfill the 3 click rule for web design.

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